The Dark Ages
From 500 to 1000 A.D., nobility owned everything, and peasants, with a life expectancy of 35 years, worked until death.
Your Path to Peasanthood:
Aligns with Kamala’s Path to Nobility
STEP 1 (against you):
Remove your Century-Old job protections via giving a sea of illegal migrants job permits.
STEP 1 (for Kamala):
Import a sea of CHEAP LABOR for the wealthy business owners who bribe Kamala to provide this cheap labor for their businesses.
STEP 2 (against you):
Use MMT Power to print money (just change numbers on a spreadsheet – no need to actually “print” the money according to Warren Mosler).
- Give the money to bribe illegal migrants to vote-for-Kamala and WORK FOR CHEAP. Eliminating your $20/hr job to hire an illegal worker for $10/hr.
STEP 2 (for Kamala):
The rich men who bribed Kamala to bring in the low-cost illegal workers show their appreciation by MAKING KAMALA FABULOUSLY RICH (have you seen her new mansion with the immense wall around it?)
STEP 3 (against you):
The mountain of “new money” that didn’t go to your “spreadsheet” is in the pockets of people fighting for the same number of eggs at the grocery store. 50% more money fighting for the same quantity of eggs = each egg will trade for 50% more. INFLATION HURTS.
STEP 3 (for Kamala):
INFLATION HELPS by fattening up margins (profits) for the rich men who are making Kamala rich. Higher selling price + Lower labor costs = PROFITS.
The cabal of Kamala bribers want PROFITS / POWER / PLEASURES (little girls)
STEP 4 (against you and the girls taken into the sex trade):
The ‘open border’ is an invitation for evil men to drug little girls and pretend they are their own daughters….until they disappear into USA for the pleasures of the evil men in Kamala’s cabal.
STEP 4 (for Kamala):
The men bribing Kamala get a steady stream of innocent little girls to rape until death see for details on ‘The Predator Class’.
STEP 5 (against you):
Kamala is now the female frontman A/K/A President. The flow of illegal migrants being given printed money and work permits doubles or triples. You have to agree to a pay cut in order to keep your job (because the company has a line of illegal (now legal) workers willing to do your job for half-price. Your ability to support your family goes down, while inflation simultaneously goes up.
STEP 5 (for Kamala):
PROFITS ACCELERATE with an unlimited supply of illegal migrants willing to work for $8/hr (equivalent of $40/hr in their home country).
NOTE: I fully agree that Latin people are wonderful and very hardworking. What is harmful is the unchecked FLOOD of illegal migration and using them for taking American’s jobs, illegal voting and human trafficking. A reasonable flow of LEGAL migration via legally-applied-for work visas is very good for America.
STEP 6 (against you):
Between property taxes, lower wages, and inflation; you have to sell your house in order to financially survive.
You are now a Peasant, with no rights to property and no right to protect your daughter if the Nobility want to rape her. History repeats itself.
STEP 6 (for Kamala):
Hedge Funds (also bribing Kamala) buy up the homes; which they are already doing en masse. Eventually the rich will own everything, and be permanent “Nobility will be created”. The new Dark Ages fabulous for the rich (0.1% of the world) living a lavish life. The Peasants (99.9% of the world) work until death.
Kamala has earned her Nobility, and she doesn’t think about the thousands of little girls she sacrificed to obtain her title.